Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's hot!

Well today is the 9th straight day of 90+ temps,and the heat index has been 100-105 (can anyone say heat wave) and my poor 30+ year old air conditioner had just about had it:( It's been about 85 degrees in the house, that makes for some grumpy folks! We have called everyone in the phone book to come and give us a estimate for a new one but we the heat the way it is they are all booked up. So we are not moving to much and literally trying to stay cool.

This is causing us to plan on more home renovations, like insulating the attic and buying new ceiling fans and putting in a attic ladder all good things i guess.

I will have to post about what we have been up to so far this summer. Poor hubs on his last vacation was glad to get back to work i think, we really worked hard on his vacation. We remodeled my scrapbook room,(very needed because of the ice storm my room was flooded) we put in new kitchen counters. And then we cleaned out the attic to have a massive rummage sale last Saturday to which the proceeds go to buy a new stove....YAY! So it looks like we are going to have productive year:)

Another good note we started our summer bible study, we are doing "Walking by faith, Lessons I learned in the dark" by Jennifer Rothschild its been a great study so far and you realize that the day to day stuff we deal with is really small in the grand scheme of things. If you would like to check out her website its here.

Well thought i would exit with this video I found on youtube. I love Tenth Avenue North and I love this song because it speaks so much of our relationship with Christ, we are His Beloved.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


This is one of my favorite songs, we sing it at our church quite often. I found this video of it on youtube about a year or so ago, I thought it was great! Check it out!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Well today was National Scrapbooking Day and I didn't scrapbook one thing. I did get to make a couple things....I made this cover for my wishblade!

In my old age I am being to like to sew. Who knew I had it in me :) I made this without a pattern and without very much sewing experience.It was quite a feat I thought, me being the "by the book person that I am. I also made a drawstring bag to match to put my cords and things that go with the wishblade in, got a neat tutorial from here.

The name of her blog is "Happy Things", I thought that was neat since mine is "Happy Thoughts" :)

Also been working on graduation items this week for our homeschool co-op, making diploma's for 8th grade and Kindergarten and then I made these

for our highschool graduates. Took me about 6 hours to make these, I think I need to scrapbook a little bit more often, I am out of practice :( I also the older I get don't like deadlines!

Going to miss our graduates this year especially Junior, he is really a neat kid and has a neat family we love them very much! Hopefully he will come back and visit us. Now all I need to do is finish three slideshows. I do one for each of the grads with pictures from their childhood and then one for our homeschool co-op of all the events and things we have had all year long.

Well pray that I get all that done this week and I won't get to stressed out with it all.

I leave you with song. Its by a former American Idol alumni Ace Young, not really a "christian song" but you be the judge.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones!

I've put my life in your hands. You won't drop me, you'll never let me down.
Psalms 31:5 (The Message)

Blessings all!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Long Time No Blog :(

Wow! Can't believe its been a whole month that has gone by. Time really does fly by! Lets see what has transpired in the past month?

Well, my baby girl turned 13, we now officially have two teenagers in the house! (Is this good or bad?..... I'll get back to you on that.)

We went to Mammoth Cave on Friday, went to visit the New Cave Entrance Tour, I can say I survived the 300 + steps descending downward :) But Ashley who is terrified of heights did not care to much for it, esp when people in front of her were yelling "don't look down, don't look down". Where is my duct tape when I need it! But we all made it out in one piece, one was a little shaky but she made it out too.

The weather is finally warming up here today! It's going to be 80+ today! Yeah! I hate winter with the passion, I need sun to live life fully :) So we are in full swing to plant the garden, we have been hunting down all the plants, tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers, the cucumbers were a little hard to find this time, dont know why, but we finally grabbed the last three plants they had at Rural King so we are on our way.

To celebrate spring and summer, here is a recipe for ya, just had one of these a little bit ago, they are super delicious!

Strawberry - Banana Smoothie
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup orange-pinapple juice
1 banana
11 ice cubes
2 teaspoon of sugar

Blend it all up in a blender and there you have it! Enjoy!

Blessings all!

I'll see if I can add some pictures of the festivities when I get back later.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Weekend........

Wow! These weeks do go by fast! Not to much to tell really. Jordan made it through another Biology dissection this week.....can anybody say YUCK!

And we made it through another round of storms, this seems to be a weekly and even daily here in Kentucky anymore. Happy to report though that we had no damage this time. Yay!

Oh and Mandisa's Album came out....have you checked it out yet? Well you must, its a good one! Check it out right here.

And Ashley's has taken some great pictures!! Here is one she made for my friend Lori.

I thought she did a fab job!!!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Had to set some boundaries yesterday, this does not come easy for me. I like to live in a happy little world where everything is pretty, nice, and peaceful but the reality is that we don't really live in that world. And we probably wont live in that kind of world on earth. So until we get to heaven we have to set some boundaries for our own sanity and health.

I deal with a person who is Narcissistic, or has NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder). If you would like to read more about Narcissism here is a good link to get your started. This is probably one of the most difficult things in my entire life that I have faced. But what I have learned though this is, I am not alone. There are many many people who have to deal with even live with someone with NPD everday. And a lot of them are with their mothers as well. Some not to the extent as mine but still difficult just the same.

There are several good things about dealing with a difficult person.

1. You learn you dont want to be anything like them. And it will make you a better mother, wife, teacher, etc. and you will break the cycle of abuse it will end with you.

2. You can help others who are dealing with the same type things.

3. You depend on the Lord more because you learn He is really the only one who can change anything anyway.

So on my day of setting boundaries I was watching American Idol and saw Kris Allen singing one of "Our Songs". No its not me and mel's song but it me and the Lord's song, He gave me this a few years ago after another difficult day I was having, it brought tears to my eyes once again but its a great song! And the Lord is so sweet!

I found it on youtube so check it out!

Blessings all,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Major YUM!

We had this for dinner tonight! It's Chicken Parmigiana. And you will not believe this but my family loved it! I am still in shock. (Can you say picky eaters) Ashley even said she wanted this to be her birthday dinner! So if you want this lovely recipe, you will have to hop over to kevinandamanda's blog and grab it, it will going into my recipe collection for sure. While you are there check out her other recipes and her scrapbooks and her fonts, just LOVE her blog, such GREAT stuff!

Oh and another happy thing........SPRING! Check out this picture Ashley took!

I have to admit that I am not a winter person at all, so I am so glad that spring is getting close and the flowers are blooming and the time has changed back so now we have a extra hour of sun now.

My friend Lori called and wished me a Happy Anniversary for tomorrow, I had completely forgot :( does that mean we have been married for a very long time or not? Let's see it will be 22 years. I had to get my calculator out for that one :) What can I say.....God has blessed my socks off :)

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Favorite Song....

This is my favorite song right now it's called "There will be a day" by Jeremy Camp. Check it out!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

March 1st!

Yay! I have to say I am sooooooo glad it is March! That means spring is just a few weeks away. I have to admit I am not much of a winter girl, not even with the help of Vitamin D :( But I love spring and summer! I will get to emerge out of my cocoon and see what green grass and leaves look like again :)

Thought I would post some more pictures of the Ice storm for my cousin in MN. Yip that would be you Trish. Enjoy.

Ok enough talk about the ice storm, I am ready to move on!!

On a happy note, guess who got their permit this week??
I have to say that it is a bit different to be putting Jordan behind the wheel, it was just yesterday that he learned to walk! Where did the time go? Oh well, got a appointment on Wednesday to get those lovely highlights added to my hair to hide the gray I am sure I will have before he learns to drive. Say a prayer for us, we might need it :)

Do you think his dad looks worried?? LOL!

Blessings all!

Friday, February 6, 2009


Well we have had quite the week or make that two weeks! A ice storm was scheduled to hit January 27th 2009 and that it did. It did away with power for 100% of our town and most of our county for that matter. This is one that will go down in the history books for sure! We learned really quick that we were not prepared for this type of storm, although I'm not really sure you could be prepared. But we will definitely try our best next time. What have we learned?

1. Generator - One of the most important things you can have, it can save your house that is if you have sump pumps in the basement, which we did.

2. Food - When stocking up on food for such a storm, do not buy things that you have to cook, there will be no cooking!

3. Insurance - Know what your insurance covers and what it doesn't, ask lots and lots of questions. Make sure you have all the endorsements you need. After the storm is not a good time to find out that you don't have a endorsement and that it only costs $35 a year for the endorsement you needed!

4. Gas- Don't forget gas for the generator, no stores will be open for a while.

5. Water- Stock up on water, there will be none! And you will be amazed at how much you use water everyday.

We are never to old to learn and this has definitely been a learning experience!

Be Blessed all!

Monday, January 19, 2009

My Scripture to memorize is.......

Zephaniah 3:17

"The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy. "

I am convinced that we can not have enough scripture on hand, after all that is our sword, how else can we fight. Right?

This one is one of my favorites.

Be Blessed!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


We had Denver and the Mile High Orchestra in church service today! Just how cool is that! Have you heard DHMO? They were a finalist on the TV show "The Next Great American Band". They sang a great song, " He knows your name" I am guessing its going to be on their new record because I can't find it anywhere (you know that drives me up a wall) because I love my music! So until I find "that" song, check their myspace page out, they have some cool ones on there too.

DMHO Myspace


Monday, January 12, 2009

RENEW in 2009

I found this Scripture Challenge on Beth Moore's blog the other day and think this is such a great idea! She shows you a great way to do Scripture memory. I so need God's Word in my mind at all times! After all the battle is in the mind....right? So I will be making us some of these cards for our Bible Study, hopefully they will want to join me as well.

Remember Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Check it out!

Check out these neat pendants i got! Bought them off of Etsy. Have you been there yet? They sell handmade goods of all kinds. Neat place! Anyway I got these from a seller there, their shop is here. They have some really nice scrabble tile pendants.

Blessings all,