Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's hot!

Well today is the 9th straight day of 90+ temps,and the heat index has been 100-105 (can anyone say heat wave) and my poor 30+ year old air conditioner had just about had it:( It's been about 85 degrees in the house, that makes for some grumpy folks! We have called everyone in the phone book to come and give us a estimate for a new one but we the heat the way it is they are all booked up. So we are not moving to much and literally trying to stay cool.

This is causing us to plan on more home renovations, like insulating the attic and buying new ceiling fans and putting in a attic ladder all good things i guess.

I will have to post about what we have been up to so far this summer. Poor hubs on his last vacation was glad to get back to work i think, we really worked hard on his vacation. We remodeled my scrapbook room,(very needed because of the ice storm my room was flooded) we put in new kitchen counters. And then we cleaned out the attic to have a massive rummage sale last Saturday to which the proceeds go to buy a new stove....YAY! So it looks like we are going to have productive year:)

Another good note we started our summer bible study, we are doing "Walking by faith, Lessons I learned in the dark" by Jennifer Rothschild its been a great study so far and you realize that the day to day stuff we deal with is really small in the grand scheme of things. If you would like to check out her website its here.

Well thought i would exit with this video I found on youtube. I love Tenth Avenue North and I love this song because it speaks so much of our relationship with Christ, we are His Beloved.


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